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Latest update : 7 March 2019.

Articles in this section

  • Julian Bruyat

    Identifying Optimisation Conflicts in LLVM

    Years: 2019 (Master 1 project) Co-supervisor: Laure Gonnord Subject: Identifying Optimisation Conflicts in LLVM > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: italic; 2024 Journal articles ref_biblioJulian Bruyat, Pierre-Antoine Champin, Lionel Médini, Frédérique Laforest. PRSC: from PG to RDF and back, using schemas. Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 2024. ⟨hal-04772450⟩ Accès (...)
  • Amaury Maillé

    Dataflow Explicit Futures

    Years: 2019 (M2R) Co-supervisor: Ludovic Henrio Subject: Dataflow Explicit Futures > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: italic; 2023 Theses ref_biblioAmaury Maillé. Simple, Safe and Efficient Abstractions for Communication and Streaming in Parallel Computing. Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing [cs.DC]. Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2023. English. ⟨NNT : 2023ENSL0041⟩. (...)
  • Bilel Aouadhi

    Debugging and visualization tools for process networks

    Years: 2018 (End of study project (engineer)) Co-supervisor: Christophe Alias Subject: Debugging and visualization tools for process networks > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: italic;
  • Juliana Du

    Contributions to Chamilotools

    Years: 2017 (L2 Internship) Subject: Contributions to Chamilotools > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: italic; 2024 Conference papers ref_biblioJuliana Du, Barbara Pascal, Patrice Abry. Synthetic Spatiotemporal Covid19 Infection Counts to Assess Graph-Regularized Estimation of Multivariate Reproduction Numbers. 32th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Aug 2024, Lyon, France. (...)
  • Alexandra Dobre

    Code Generation for Simulation using SystemC

    Years: 2018 (L3 Internship) Co-supervisor: Christophe Alias Subject: Code Generation for Simulation using SystemC Abstract: The internship took place in Lyon, France, at LIP (Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallélisme), which is associated with CNRS (Centre national de la recherche scientifique), ENS (École Normale Supérieure) de Lyon, INRIA (Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique) and Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. The team in which I worked is the CASH team. Its name stands for Compilation and Analyses, Software and Hardware, which slightly sums up (...)
  • Ligia Novacean


    Years: 2018 (L3 Internship) Co-supervisor: Christophe Alias Subject: CODE GENERATION FOR HIGH-LEVEL SYNTHESIS TOOLS Abstract: This internship took place at LIP (Laboratoire de l’Informatique du Parallelisme), a computer science laboratory in Lyon, associated with CNRS, ENS Lyon, INRIA and UCB Lyon 1. As an intern, I was part of a research team, namely CASH (Compilation and Analysis, Software and Hardware). The main objective of CASH is to provide energy-efficient software and hardware compilation techniques by taking advantage of architectures like multi-core processors, GPUs or (...)
  • Liliana Andrade

    Power and temperature model in the presence of loose information, state-space exploration

    Years: 2016, 2017 (Post-doc) Subject: Power and temperature model in the presence of loose information, state-space exploration Abstract: Previous work showed how to co-simulate a functional model with a power and temperature solver. However, the previous approaches assumed known values for each parameter, which is rarely the case at a high level of abstraction. This work targets models where parameters are only estimated with an interval (i.e. a lower and an upper bound). We first proposed a method to simulate exhaustively the state-space in the absence of feedback loop from the (...)
  • SangHoon Kwak

    Power and temperature model in the presence of loose information

    Years: 2015 (Post-doc) Subject: Power and temperature model in the presence of loose information Abstract: Previous work showed how to co-simulate a functional model with a power and temperature solver. However, the previous approaches assumed known values for each parameter, which is rarely the case at a high level of abstraction. This work targets models where parameters are only estimated with an interval (i.e. a lower and an upper bound). > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; (...)
  • Denis Becker

    Parallel SystemC/TLM Simulation of Hardware Components described for High-Level Synthesis

    Years: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 (CIFRE Ph. D) Co-supervisor: Jérôme Cornet Subject: Parallel SystemC/TLM Simulation of Hardware Components described for High-Level Synthesis Abstract: Systems on chip consist in a hardware part (an integrated circuit) and a software part (a program) that uses the hardware resources of the chip. Consequently, the embedded software is intrinsically connected to the chip hardware. Hardware acceleration components are key differentiation factors from one product to another. It is necessary to simulate systems on chip very early in the design flow; before (...)
  • Hamza Rihani

    Many-Core Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems

    Years: 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 Co-supervisor: Claire Maiza Subject: Many-Core Timing Analysis of Real-Time Systems Abstract: Predictability is of paramount importance in real-time and safety-critical systems, where non-functional properties – such as the timing behavior – have high impact on the system’s correctness. As many safety-critical systems have a growing performance demand, classical architectures, such as single-cores, are not sufficient anymore. One increasingly popular solution is the use of multi-core systems, even in the (...)
  • Amaury Graillat (PhD)

    Code Generation for Multi-Core Processor with Hard Real-Time Constraints

    Years: 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 (CIFRE Ph. D) Co-supervisor: Pascal Raymond Subject: Code Generation for Multi-Core Processor with Hard Real-Time Constraints Abstract: Most critical systems are subject to hard real-time requirements. These systems are more and more complex and the computational power of the predictable single-core processors is no longer sufficient.Multi- or many-core architectures are good alternatives but interferences on shared resources must betaken into account to avoid unpredictable timing effects. For many-core, the Network-on-Chip (NoC)must be configured (...)
  • Amaury Graillat (M2R)

    Towards Semantics-Preserving Implementation of Synchronous Programs on Many-Core Architectures

    Years: 2015 (M2R) Co-supervisor: Florence Maraninchi Subject: Towards Semantics-Preserving Implementation of Synchronous Programs on Many-Core Architectures Abstract: Reactive systems are systems that constantly react to their environment. One must guarantee that the computation time of the system is bounded and matches the input-output latency imposed by the environment (for instance the period of measure of the altitude for a flight control system). We talk about multi-periodic systems when the nodes of a program are running at different periods. Today, reactive programs are (...)
  • Mamoudou Bah

    Contributions to the tool Verse

    Years: 2014 (CCI Internship) Co-supervisor: Catherine Parent Subject: Contributions to the tool Verse Abstract: Mamoudou worked on improvements and bugfixes on the tool Verse, previously designed by Hugues de Lassus Saint Geniès. > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: (...)
  • Gaetan Sancassani

    Programmation parallèle pour la modélisation des systèmes embarqués

    Years: 2014 (TER UJF) Subject: Programmation parallèle pour la modélisation des systèmes embarqués Abstract: Le but du TER est de valider le fonctionnement de la bibliothèque sc-during à l’aide de quelques exemples plus réalistes que les tests unitaires existants. En particulier, un module de communication par FIFO a été développé. > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: (...)
  • Amaury Graillat (IRL)

    Simulation distribuée pour les systèmes embarqués

    Years: 2014 (IRL Ensimag) Subject: Simulation distribuée pour les systèmes embarqués Abstract: L’outil développé est basé sur la bibliothèque sc-during, qui permet une exécution parallèle de programmes SystemC. La bibliothèque a été enrichie avec un mode distribué, basé sur la bibliothèque MPI et qui permet non-seulement de déléguer des calculs à des threads, mais aussi à des processus séparés éventuellement exécutés sur une machine distante. > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; (...)
  • Guillaume Sergent

    Techniques de compilation dédiées pour un langage spécifique à un domaine

    Years: 2014 (M2R) Subject: Techniques de compilation dédiées pour un langage spécifique à un domaine Abstract: The goal of the internship was to write an optimizer for SystemC programs, able to optimize significantly real-life programs. Durning the internship, the prototype PinaVM-tweto was considerably improved, both in terms of internal architecture and concrete performance. A static optimizer was added in addition to the JIT-based one. > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; (...)
  • Hanan Kanso

    Implementing critical systems on many-core architectures: Towards solutions preserving determinism

    Years: 2014 (M2R) Co-supervisor: Florence Maraninchi Subject: Implementing critical systems on many-core architectures: Towards solutions preserving determinism Abstract: Shifting to many-core architectures is becoming compulsory for real-time applications demanding intensive computing capabilities. Nonetheless, the gain in performance of many-core architectures does not come for free. In particular, it comes at the cost of predictability and determinism issues. Logical determinism is the property of programs that for the same sequence of inputs always give the same sequence of (...)
  • Hugues de Lassus Saint-Geniès

    Semantic Analysis for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis

    Years: 2014 (Master 1 internship) Co-supervisor: Claire Maiza Subject: Semantic Analysis for Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis Abstract: Hard real-time systems like planes or cars are controlled by software tasks. We say these systems are hard real-time systems because the tasks which control them have to terminate within a certain amount of time to ensure that the system will not be late for its next action. Measuring execution times on targetted architectures may be sufficient for some real-time systems, but not for hard ones. Indeed, this method does not ensure that the (...)
  • Francesco Bongiovanni

    Optimization of the sc-during library

    Years: 2013 (Post-doc) Co-supervisor: Florence Maraninchi Subject: Optimization of the sc-during library > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: italic; 2013 Conference papers ref_biblioRim Abid, Gwen Salaün, Francesco Bongiovanni, Noël de Palma. Verification of a Dynamic Management Protocol for Cloud Applications. 11th International Symposium, ATVA 2013, Dang Van Hung and Mizuhito Ogawa, Oct (...)
  • Eduardo León

    Graphic Visualization Of Simulation Traces For SoC

    Years: 2013 (IRL Ensimag) Co-supervisor: Claude Helmstetter Subject: Graphic Visualization Of Simulation Traces For SoC > .ChampRes display:none; .Rubrique font-size: larger; font-weight: bold; dl.NoticeRes > dd.ref_biblio padding-left:0px; margin-left: 25px; display: list-item; .SousRubrique color: #909090; font-style: italic;

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