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Dernier ajout : 10 juin.

Maître de conférences au LIP.

Anciennement (jusqu’en 2017) maître de conférences responsable de l’équipe Synchrone du laboratoire Verimag.

Thèse (2005) et Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (2014) en informatique délivrées par Grenoble INP.

Thèmes de recherche :

Articles de cette rubrique

  • CASH team proposal

    Compilation and Analysis, Software and Hardware

    The CASH team was created at LIP laboratory on January 1st 2018 and was submitted for creation at Inria (Lyon, France). The advent of parallelism in supercomputers and in more classical end-user computers increases the need for high-level code optimization and improved compilers. The need for power-efficient computing have motivated the raise of various kinds of accelerators like GPU and more recently many-cores and FPGA in data-center. Writing efficient applications for these heterogeneous systems requires new approaches for software, compilers and runtimes. Parallelism based on (...)
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  • Power and Temperature Estimation for SystemC/TLM

    This page gathers a few pointers on Power and Temperature analysis on top of SystemC/TLM platforms. Most of the work was carried out in the HELP project. Some publications : – Co-Simulation of Functional SystemC TLM Models with Power/Thermal Solvers – System-Level Modeling of Energy in TLM for Early Validation of Power and Thermal Management – Co-Simulation of a SystemC TLM Virtual Platform with a Power Simulator at the Architectural Level : Case of a Set-Top Box – Fast and Modular Transaction-Level-Modeling and Simulation of Power and Temperature (unpublished technical report) The (...)
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