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Si-Mohamed Lamraoui

Techniques de compilation dédiées pour le simulateur SystemC (basé sur LLVM)

vendredi 9 septembre 2011

Années: 2011 (TER UJF, Stagiaire M1)
Co-encadrant: Claire Maiza
Sujet: Techniques de compilation dédiées pour le simulateur SystemC (basé sur LLVM)

SystemC is a C++ library allowing the design of the hardware blocks contained in a System-on-chip at different level of abstraction. As SystemC is a C++ library, the programs may be compiled with a common C++ compiler. But these compilers miss a lot of optimization opportunities specific to SystemC programs. In this paper, we introduce a way to improve simulation performances of SystemC programs using the LLVM compiler infrastructure.

See related talk : PinaVM and Tweto: Compilation and Optimization Techniques for SystemC.

Documents joints

  • 9 septembre 2011
    info document : PDF
    183 ko

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