Accueil > Recherche > Power and Temperature Estimation for SystemC/TLM
mercredi 18 mars 2015
This page gathers a few pointers on Power and Temperature analysis on top of SystemC/TLM platforms.
Most of the work was carried out in the HELP project.
Some publications :
– Co-Simulation of Functional SystemC TLM Models with Power/Thermal Solvers
– System-Level Modeling of Energy in TLM for Early Validation of Power and Thermal Management
– Fast and Modular Transaction-Level-Modeling and Simulation of Power and Temperature (unpublished technical report)
The implementation behind the first 3 papers is not published, but can be made available upon request. The implementation for "Fast and Modular Transaction-Level-Modeling and Simulation of Power and Temperature" is open source and available : LIBTLMPWT: Model Power-Consumption and Temperature in SystemC/TLM.