File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
args.cpp [code]Test passing arguments through boost::bind
assign.cpp [code]
bench-during.cpp [code]Measur time for various sc-during features
bench-extra-time.cpp [code]
bench-plain-cpp.cpp [code]Benchmark for plain C++ code
bench-systemc.cpp [code]
bench-threads.cpp [code]Benchmark to measure thread performances
call.cpp [code]Test function call from task to SystemC
catch-up-concurrent.cpp [code]
catch-up-time.cpp [code]
catch-up.cpp [code]Test for the catch_up feature with time argument
deadlock.cpp [code]
example-extra-time.cpp [code]Example of extra-time, for the paper
example-measure-time.cpp [code]Test for measure-time.h utility
example.cpp [code]
extra-time.cpp [code]
mandel.cpp [code]
nested-during.cpp [code]
polling-catchup.cpp [code]Test extra_time with polling, using catch_up to guarantee fairness
polling.cpp [code]Test extra_time with polling
sc-call-opt.cpp [code]Test that sc_call can be executed as soon as possible
simple.cpp [code]Test that during actually takes the right time
termination-sc-call.cpp [code]
termination.cpp [code]
test-async-event-queue.cpp [code]Test for async_event_queue
test-boost.cpp [code]Test that I use correctly boost features
test-io-lock.cpp [code]Test for io-lock.h
test-pool.cpp [code]Test for the thread pool system
test-queue.cpp [code]Unit test for lib-during/thread-queue.h
timing.cpp [code]Test that during actually takes the right time
usleep.cpp [code]Test playing on wall-clock time with usleep
CMakeFiles/CompilerIdCXX/CMakeCXXCompilerId.cpp [code]
lib-during/async-event-queue.h [code]Class to allow notifying SystemC events from a separate thread
lib-during/during-env.h [code]Version of the during interface that choses the mode at runtime with an environment variable
lib-during/during-if.h [code]Common interface to classes implementing during
lib-during/during-ondemand.cpp [code]Body for the file during-ondemand.h
lib-during/during-ondemand.h [code]Implementation of during creating threads on demand
lib-during/during-pool.cpp [code]Body for the file during-pool.h
lib-during/during-pool.h [code]Implementation of during using a preallocated pool of threads
lib-during/during-seq.cpp [code]Body for the file during-seq.h
lib-during/during-seq.h [code]Sequential implementation of during
lib-during/during-thread.cpp [code]Body for the file during-thread.h
lib-during/during-thread.h [code]Naive threaded implementation of during
lib-during/during.h [code]
lib-during/sync-task.cpp [code]Body for the file sync-task.h
lib-during/sync-task.h [code]Data-structure used to represent a sync_task and let it communicate with SystemC
lib-during/task-manager.cpp [code]Body for the file task-manager.h
lib-during/task-manager.h [code]Allows thread to keep track of their own "task"
lib-during/thread-pool-base.cpp [code]Body for the file thread-pool-base.h
lib-during/thread-pool-base.h [code]Base class for thread pool implementations
lib-during/thread-pool-ondemand.cpp [code]Body for the file thread-pool-ondemand.h
lib-during/thread-pool-ondemand.h [code]Thread pool creating consumer thread (and task) as needed
lib-during/thread-pool.cpp [code]Body for the file thread-pool.h
lib-during/thread-pool.h [code]Implementation of thread pool with preallocated thread and a FIFO
lib-during/thread-queue.h [code]Queue allowing several threads to communicate
lib-during/utils/atomic-variable.h [code]Mutexed variable
lib-during/utils/big-lock.h [code]Global lock implementation
lib-during/utils/cpu-affinity.cpp [code]Body for the file cpu-affinity.h
lib-during/utils/cpu-affinity.h [code]Manage CPU affinity of threads
lib-during/utils/io-lock.h [code]Utility class to temporarily lock stdout or stderr
lib-during/utils/measure-time.h [code]Utility to measure time
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