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[1] |
Jérôme Cornet, Laurent Maillet-Contoz, Ilija Materic, Sylvian Kaiser, Hela
Boussetta, Tayeb Bouhadiba, Matthieu Moy, and Florence Maraninchi.
Co-Simulation of a SystemC TLM Virtual Platform with a Power
Simulator at the Architectural Level: Case of a Set-Top Box.
In Design Automation Conference, page SESSION 10U: USER
TRACK, San Francisco, US, June 2012.
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The ability to perform power estimation early in the design flow is becoming more and more critical as power optimization requirements grow. For now, standalone power simulators allow such estimation, based on typical stimuli described in a use-case scenario. We propose a co-simulation of SystemC TLM platforms with a Power model. This way, the Power model benefits from more realistic stimuli. In addition, it is possible to provide real-time information from the Power model back to the SystemC TLM simulation, such as temperature values. Keywords: power estimation; temperature; systemc; transaction-level modeling |
[2] | Matthieu Moy. sc-during: tasks with duration for parallel programming in SystemC. Published as Free Software (LGPL License), 2012. [ bib | http ] |
[3] | Julien Henry, David Monniaux, and Matthieu Moy. Succinct representations for abstract interpretation. In Static analysis Symposium (SAS), 2012. Acceptance rate: 40%, Rank A CORE 2014. [ bib ] |
[4] |
Julien Henry, David Monniaux, and Matthieu Moy.
PAGAI: a path sensitive static analyzer.
In Bertrand Jeannet, editor, Tools for Automatic Program
Analysis (TAPAS), 2012.
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We describe the design and the implementation of PAGAI, a new static analyzer working over the LLVM compiler infrastructure, which computes inductive invariants on the numerical variables of the analyzed program. PAGAI implements various state-of-the-art algorithms combining abstract interpretation and decision procedures (SMT-solving), focusing on distinction of paths inside the control flow graph while avoiding systematic exponential enumerations. It is parametric in the abstract domain in use, the iteration algorithm, and the decision procedure. We compared the time and precision of various combinations of analysis algorithms and abstract domains, with extensive experiments both on personal benchmarks and widely available GNU programs.
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