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@article{lussy-journal, author = {Matthieu Moy and Florence Maraninchi and Laurent Maillet-Contoz}, title = {{LusSy}: an open Tool for the Analysis of Systems-on-a-Chip at the Transaction Level}, journal = {Design Automation for Embedded Systems}, year = 2006, note = {special issue on {SystemC}-based systems}, url = {http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~moy/publications/springer.pdf}, abstract = {We describe a toolbox for the analysis of Systems-on-a-chip written in {SystemC} at the transaction level. The tool is able to extract information from {SystemC} code, and to build a set of parallel automata that capture the semantics of a {SystemC} design, including the transaction-level specific constructs. As far as we know, this provides the first executable formal semantics of {SystemC}. Being implemented as a traditional compiler front-end, it is able to deal with general {SystemC} designs. The intermediate representation is now connected to existing formal verification tools via appropriate encodings. The toolbox is open and other tools will be used in the future.} }
@online{framogr-software, author = {Matthieu Moy and V. H. Gupta and K. Gopinath}, title = {{Framogr}: a {FRAMework} for the {MOdeling} and simulation of {GRoup} protocols}, howpublished = {Published as Free Software (LGPL License)}, year = 2006, note = {\url{http://download.gna.org/framogr/}} }
@article{helmstet:fmcad06, author = {Claude Helmstetter and Florence Maraninchi and Laurent Maillet-Contoz and Matthieu Moy}, title = {Automatic Generation of Schedulings for Improving the Test Coverage of Systems-on-a-Chip}, journal = {{FMCAD}}, year = {2006}, isbn = {0-7695-2707-8}, pages = {171-178}, doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/FMCAD.2006.10}, publisher = {IEEE Computer Society}, address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA}, url = {http://www-verimag.imag.fr/~moy/publications/Helmstetter_FMCAD06.pdf}, abstract = {{SystemC} is becoming a de-facto standard for the early simulation of Systems-on-a-chip (SoCs). It is a parallel language with a scheduler. Testing a SoC written in {SystemC} implies that we execute it, for some well chosen data. We are bound to use a particular deterministic implementation of the scheduler, whose specification is non-deterministic. Consequently, we may fail to discover bugs that would have appeared using another valid implementation of the scheduler. Current methods for testings SoCs concentrate on the generation of the inputs, and do not address this problem at all. We assume that the selection of relevant data is already done, and we generate several schedulings allowed by the scheduler specification. We use dynamic partial-order reduction techniques to avoid the generation of two schedulings that have the same effect on the system’s behavior. Exploring alternative schedulings during testing is a way of guaranteeing that the SoC description, and in particular the embedded software, is scheduler-independent, hence more robust. The technique extends to the exploration of other non-fully specified aspects of SoC descriptions, like timing.}, note = {Acceptance rate: 21/90 = 23\%} }
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