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Jim-Moi WONG and Jean-Philippe STRASSEN.
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[28] |
Patrice Godefroid.
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[29] |
T. Bultan.
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Barbara, Computer Science, October 6 1999. [ bib | http ] BDD-based symbolic model checking has been applied to a wide range of applications. Recently, constraint-based approaches, which use arithmetic constraints as a symbolic representation, have been used in symbolic model checking of infinite-state systems. We argue that use of constraint-based model checking is not limited to infinite-state systems. It can also be an efficient alternative to BDD-based model checking for systems with integer variables that have large domains. In this paper we compare the performance of BDD-based model checker SMV to the performance of our constraint-based model checker on verification of several asynchronous concurrent systems. The results indicate that constraint-based model checking is a viable option for verification of asynchronous concurrent systems that require more than 5 boolean variables to encode each integer variable. Keywords: symbolic model checking, BDDs, constraint representations, Presburger arithmetic |
[30] |
Tevfik Bultan.
Action language: A specification language for model checking
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March 2000. [ bib | .ps ] We present a specification language called Action Language for model checking software specifications. Action Language forms an interface between transition system models that a model checker generates and high level specification languages such as Statecharts, RSML and SCR-similar to an assembly language between a microprocessor and a programming language. We show that Action Language translations of Statecharts and SCR specifications are compact and they preserve the structure of the original specification. Action Language allows specification of both synchronous and asynchronous systems. It also supports modular specifications to enable compositional model checking. Keywords Reactive systems, specification languages, model checking. 1 INTRODUCTION Developing reliable software for reactive systems is one of the most challenging goals in information technology. A reactive system is one which interacts with its environment continuously without terminating [22]. Typical examples ar... |
[31] |
Tevfik Bultan and.
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[32] |
Richard Gerber and Tevfik Bultan.
Composite model checking with type specific symbolic encodings.
March 13 1998. [ bib | .ps.gz ] We present a new symbolic model checking technique, which analyzes temporal properties in multityped transition systems. Specifically, the method uses multiple type-specific data encodings to represent system states, and it carries out fixpoint computations via the corresponding type-specific symbolic operations. In essence, different symbolic encodings are unified into one composite model checker. Any type-specific language can be included in this framework - provided that the language is closed under Boolean connectives, propositions can be checked for satisfiability, and relational images can be computed. Our technique relies on conjunctive partitioning of transition relations of atomic events based on variable types involved, which allows independent computation of one-step pre- and post-conditions for each variable type. In this paper we demonstrate the effectiveness of our method on a nontrivial data-transfer protocol, which contains a mixture of integer and Boolean-valued varia... |
[33] |
Richard Gerber Tevfik Bultan and Christopher League.
Composite model checking: Verification with type-specific symbolic
Technical Report ucsb_cs:TR-1999-02, University of California, Santa
Barbara, Computer Science, January 2 1999. [ bib | http ] In recent years, there has been a surge of progress in automated verification methods based on state exploration. In areas like hardware design, these technologies are rapidly augmenting key phases of testing and validation. To date, one of the most successful of these methods has been symbolic model checking, in which large finite-state machines are encoded into compact data structures such as binary decision diagrams (BDDs) - and are then checked for safety and liveness properties. Keywords: Symbolic model checking, computer aided verification, software specifications |
[34] |
Edmund Clarke and Daniel Kroening.
Hardware verification using ANSI-C programs as a reference.
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[35] |
Edmund Clarke, Daniel Kroening, and Flavio Lerda.
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[36] |
Klaus Havelund.
Java pathfinder: A translator from java to promela.
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[37] |
K. Havelund and G. Rosu.
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[38] |
Klaus Havelund and Thomas Pressburger.
Model checking java programs using java pathfinder.
September 12 1999. [ bib | .ps.Z ] . This paper describes a translator called Java PathFinder (Jpf), from Java to Promela, the modeling language of the Spin model checker. Jpf translates a given Java program into a Promela model, which then can be model checked using Spin. The Java program may contain assertions, which are translated to similar assertions in the Promela model. The Spin model checker will then look for deadlocks and violations of any stated assertions. Jpf generates a Promela model with the same state space characteristics as the Java program. Hence, the Java program must have a finite and tractable state space. This work should be seen in a broader attempt to make formal methods applicable within NASA's areas such as space, aviation, and robotics. The work is a continuation of an effort to formally analyze, using Spin, a multi-threaded operating system for the Deep-Space 1 space craft, and of previous work in applying existing model checkers and theorem provers to real applications. Key words: Program... |
[39] |
Klaus Havelund, Seungjoon Park, and Willem Visser.
Java pathfinder - second generation of a java model checker.
May 27 2000. [ bib | .ps.gz ] We have been developing an automated abstraction tool, which converts a Java program to an abstract program with respect to user-specified abstraction criteria. The user can specify abstractions by removing variables in the concrete program and/or adding new variables (currently the tool supports adding boolean types only) to the abstract program. Specifically, the user selects variables that must be removed and adds abstract variables that represent the predicates in which these variables occurred (typically the predicates are selected from conditions in if and while statements). Given a Java program and such abstraction criteria, the tool generates an abstract Java program in terms of the new abstract variables and unremoved concrete variables. To compute the conversion automatically, JPF uses a decision procedure, SVC (Stanford Validity Checker), which checks the validity of logical expressions [1]. The abstraction tool is designed for object-oriented programs. The user can sp... |
[40] |
Klaus Havelund.
Using runtime analysis to guide model checking of java programs.
January 27 2001. [ bib | .pdf ] This paper describes how two runtime analysis algorithms, an existing data race detection algorithm and a new deadlock detection algorithm, have been implemented to analyze Java programs. Runtime analysis is based on the idea of executing the program once, and observing the generated run to extract various kinds of information. This information can then be used to predict whether other different runs may violate some properties of interest, in addition of course to demonstrate whether the generated run itself violates such properties. These runtime analyzes can be performed stand-alone to generate a set of warnings. It is furthermore demonstrated how these warnings can be used to guide a model checker, thereby reducing the search space. The described techniques have been implemented in the home grown Java model checker called Java PathFinder. |
[41] |
K. Havelund and G. Rosu.
An overview of the runtime verification tool Java PathExplorer:
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Formal Methods in System Design, 24(2):189-215, March 2004. [ bib ] |
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Lionel Blanc, Amar Bouali, Jérôme Dormoy, and Olivier Meunier.
A methodology for SoC top-level validation using esterel studio.
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R. Milner.
Calculi for synchrony and asynchrony.
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Fabrice Baray, Philippe Codognet, Daniel Diaz, and Henri Michel.
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The SMV system, November 06 1992. [ bib | .ps.gz ] This document describes the syntax and semantics of the SMV input language, and the function of the SMV model checker. It also describes some optional features of the model checker which can be used to fine tune the performance, and gives some examples of its application. All of the examples in this document are made available with the software. For a description of all the model checker options, see the UNIX programmer's manual entry for SMV, which is also included with the software |
[54] |
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A. Biere, A. Cimatti, E. M. Clarke, M. Fujita, and Y. Zhu.
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September 10 1999. [ bib | .ps.gz ] In this paper, we study the application of propositional decision procedures in hardware verification. In particular, we apply bounded model checking, as introduced in [1], to equivalence and invariant checking. We present several optimizations that reduce the size of generated propositional formulas. In many instances, our SAT-based approach can significantly outperform BDD-based approaches. We observe that SAT-based techniques are particularly efficient in detecting errors in both combinational and sequential designs. 1 Introduction A complex hardware design can be error-prone and mistakes are costly. Formal verification techniques such as symbolic model checking are gaining wide industrial acceptance. Compared to traditional validation techniques based on simulation, they provide more extensive coverage and can detect subtle errors. Representing and manipulating boolean expressions is critical to many formal verification techniques. BDDs [3] have traditionally been used for this p... |
[81] |
Muhammad Muzammil Shahbaz.
Automatic verification techniques for system-on-chip using symbolic
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Marius Bozga, Jean-Claude Fernandez, and Lucian Ghirvu.
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G. J. Chaitin.
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[86] |
Frank Mueller.
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[87] |
Dirk Hoffmann, Joachim Gerlach, Juergen Ruf, Thomas Kropf, Wolfgang Mueller,
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