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Unix-training: a set of tools to teach Unix efficiently

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Demo for lab exam
Treasure Hunt example

Unix-training is the public part of the Ensimag’s "Introduction to Unix" course. It is published under the LGPL open-source license in the hope that it will be useful to other schools, and/or that students will have fun reading the source!

The two main elements are:
 A treasure hunt, very appreciated from students. It is made of a set of small exercices, each giving access to the statement of the next one.
 A lab exam, largely inspired from the treasure hunt, but in limited time and with a grade at the end.

Both are available in french and english.

Here are a few useful links:
 The source code is hosted on Gitlab, and can be found here: http://gitlab.com/unix-training (download as tarball from here),
 More information is available in the README file of the distribution,
 Online demo for the lab exam,
 Starting point for the treasure hunt (you’ll need an Ensimag login after a few steps)
 Course’s wiki page and student’s feedback.

Other treasure-hunt or similar games on the web:

Attached documents

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