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Dernier ajout : 16 avril 2019.

Articles de cette rubrique

  • HAL "no proceedings" checker

    Check for entries in HAL that are tagged as conference paper, but without proceedings. Only workshops without proceedings should appear in the list. Enter your name (first last, e.g. "matthieu moy") here: > This is just a simple form using What is does is : – Check "document type"="conference paper" – Check "proceedings"="without proceedings" You can use the haltools form directly if you have access to to do the (...)
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  • LIBTLMPWT : Model Power-Consumption and Temperature in SystemC/TLM

    LIBTLMPWT is a free library to model power-consumption and temperature in TLM. libtlmpwt’s graphical user interface The left hand side shows the evolution of temperature as a function of simulated time. The right hand-side shows the floorplan and the temperature of each component. It requires annotations from the user in the SystemC/TLM platform, and co-simulates the functional platform with a non-functional solver based on ATMI. Authors : – Claude Helmstetter – Matthieu (...)
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  • Fast and Accurate TLM Simulations using Temporal Decoupling for FIFO-based Communications

    The Smart FIFO

    A known approach to improve the timing accuracy of an untimed or loosely timed TLM model is to add timing annotations into the code and to reduce the number of costly context switches using temporal decoupling, meaning that a process can go ahead of the simulation time before synchronizing again. The goal of that work was to apply temporal decoupling to the TLM platform of a heterogeneous many-core SoC dedicated to high performance computing, known as P2012 / STHORM. Part of this SoC communicates using classic memory-mapped buses, but it can be extended with hardware accelerators (...)
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  • sc-during : Parallel Programming on Top of SystemC

    The SystemC/TLM technologies are widely accepted in the industry for fast system-level simulation. An important limitation of SystemC regarding performance is that the reference implementation is sequential, and the official semantics makes parallel executions difficult. As the number of cores in computers increase quickly, the ability to take advantage of the host parallelism during a simulation is becoming a major concern. Most existing work on parallelization of SystemC targets cycle-accurate simulation, and would be inefficient on loosely timed systems since they cannot run in (...)
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  • Pinapa : (deprecated) SystemC front-end based on GCC

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  • PinaVM : SystemC front-end based on LLVM

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