This is a precompiled version of the RISC-V GNU toolchain (gcc, as, ld, libc, ...) and spike simulator, generated from the sources and, with executables stripped to save disk space (the extracted /opt/riscv/ directory uses around 2 GB of disk space). It also contains ANTLR4, Python 3.11 and Pyright, for use in the MIF08 and CAP courses. Older release An old version is still available in riscv-2022.tar.zx. Ubuntu 20.04, 20.10 & 22.04 It was generated and tested on Ubuntu 20.04, tested on Ubuntu (...)
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Apprentissage du débogueur GDB pour débutants complets. Le tutorial se présente sous la forme d’un fichier C, les explications sont dans les commentaires.
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